Forum Rules
  1. Main Rules
  2. Support Rules
  3. Discussion Rules
  4. Sectional Rules
  5. Warnings and Bans
  6. Mapping and Modding Rules

Behave in a Malicious Manner

Do not behave in a manner that can cause distress, harm or inconvenience to other members. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination, bullying, offensive material, breaching others privacy and accessing others accounts without permission. Accounts will be terminated in cases of malicious behaviour.

Section Rules

There is no support for cracked clients or servers

Flame or Provoke

Do not insult or flame other members of the forum. Similarly, do not post with the intention of provoking a reaction from fellow members. This includes encouraging flame wars. Instigation is not tolerated.


A spam post is a post that provides no value to the discussion, or a thread that creates nuisance for others. The most common spam posts are posting "tl:dr;", "+1", "this", posting image macros, and nothing but memes or images. Threads are considered spam when they are duplicates, or devoid of valuable content.